Former began with a year’s collection of field recordings, spanning 2012 and 2013. These were recorded during passages of daily life, mostly in and around Berlin, many at the studio or at home. These quotidian moments include occasional experiences of music and performance, from street market buskers to sound art exhibitions to my son exploring the studio’s detuned piano. I approached these recordings as intervals of experience, as sounds that revealed their value through unhewn textures and frank expressions. The work of composing Former was largely an attempt to bring these experiences-in-sound into conversation without reducing them to a single surface or unified tone; to hear a conversation in process, between elements in the world, of which I was one.
available to stream on Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube music
available to preview and purchase on Bandcamp
available to stream on Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube music
available to preview and purchase on Bandcamp
music album, digital release