Still, Revenant, Bootleg, The Intentional Object, Space Release no.3, or Untitled works with the medium of recordings: the entire duration of every exhibition it appears in will be recorded in 4-channel surround audio, which will then be replayed in the next exhibition of the piece, together with making a new recording of every public moment of that exhibition as well.
The work re-imagines the exhibition as a single performance-like event, while at the same time it re-renders the space and time of the show as a sculptural form in sound. The piece creates a present awareness of the future object that the show as a whole is becoming, an object of recorded sound that only comes fully into being the moment the show closes.
With each future exhibition the recording process is partnered with the full playback of the previous exhibition, creating an acoustic overlay of every space the work has occupied. In this way, what began as an entirely silent work will in time become an enveloping mass of sound, as the quiet ambiences of various international exhibition spaces accumulate and filter each other ad infinitum.
The work re-imagines the exhibition as a single performance-like event, while at the same time it re-renders the space and time of the show as a sculptural form in sound. The piece creates a present awareness of the future object that the show as a whole is becoming, an object of recorded sound that only comes fully into being the moment the show closes.
With each future exhibition the recording process is partnered with the full playback of the previous exhibition, creating an acoustic overlay of every space the work has occupied. In this way, what began as an entirely silent work will in time become an enveloping mass of sound, as the quiet ambiences of various international exhibition spaces accumulate and filter each other ad infinitum.
Still, Revenant, Bootleg, The Intentional Object, Space Release no.3, or Untitled
Installation for 4-channel sound and 4-channel recording process

exhibition views: Stedefreund, Berlin (first exhibition); Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (second exhibition)